Infant + Elephant combine to make Elenfhant logo by Atipo
Lab flask in a letter “Y”. Y Lab logo by Sergey…
Palm tree trunk represented by a key hole. Key Palm logo by…
Visual identity for Forester 4X4 tours. Letter F…
Gaming console and wire morphed into an elephant. Big Game…
Paper clip with a play button. Resumedia logo by Deividas…
Comb + Moon: Moon Barbershop logo by Yuri Kartashev
Burger with a crown. Logo by Sean MacLean
Rocket in a wine bottle. Logo by Leo
Spool of thread that looks like a bag. Logo by Yuri…
Fork and knife compbined. Foodoso Logo by Alex Tsanev
Tooth as a king holding a flag by Type08 (Alen Pavlovic)
A bicycle made with three dots. Logo by HunterWeb
Piano keys as the store front doors. Logo by Buqancreative
Magic hat and wand in house. Logo by Sumesh
Wine bottle in lightbulb by Viki Delic
Horse + droplet by Ahmed Safwan
Fox+S+L+labs by JackBegosian
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