Aeroplane merging with a house. Aerohouse Logo by Sumesh
Pixel Logo Design by Paulius Kairevicius
Rocket in a wine bottle. Logo by Leo
Album word with photo icon + letter M by Yuri Kartashev
Speech bubble in “R” by Vilayat Muslumzada
Percentage icon as a letter “N” by younique
Lens House by Steve Gillette for Mark & Type
Koala Technologies by Andrew Diete-koki
Work Up® by Radmir Volk
Reach by Steve Gillette
Timber Innovation Logo Concepts by Tristen Lim
Lovebirds by Alfrey Davilla | vaneltia
Ninja Pizza by Yeti
Go Sparrow 360 by Tishan Rayhan
Bookworthy Logotype by Sean Farrell
HireBee Logo by Kim Barsegyan
Gorillove by Alfrey Davilla | vaneltia
Ninja chimp by Manu
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