Infant + Elephant combine to make Elenfhant logo by Atipo
Aeroplane merging with a house. Aerohouse Logo by Sumesh
Curly bracket used to represent letter “C” or a…
Coffee cup, saucer and steam form a smiley face. Logo by…
Palm tree trunk represented by a key hole. Key Palm logo by…
Wordmark for Introvert. Logo by Aditya
Piechart with an eye to show data and sight. Logo by…
Chatt + hidden chat symbol Logo by Mateusz Urbańczyk
Pair of glasses replacing the letter “g”. Logo…
Letter “E” represented by an opened door.…
Rocket in a wine bottle. Logo by Leo
Spool of thread that looks like a bag. Logo by Yuri…
A bicycle made with three dots. Logo by HunterWeb
Piano keys as the store front doors. Logo by Buqancreative
Fox+S+L+labs by JackBegosian
Album word with photo icon + letter M by Yuri Kartashev
Speech bubble in “R” by Vilayat Muslumzada
Scissors and leaves by Insigniada
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